P H O T O . A L B U M

1.En route to Tso Moriri and Over the Tso Moriri Lake and also the sunrise there to be seen


How to reach there?

Stok houses the Palace of the erstwhile King of Ladakh, belonging to the Namgyal Dynasty. The king is no more, but the queen still stays there. The rectangular Palace, can be approached after crossing the Indus, and is on the other side. Tourists are not allowed inside most part of the Palace, except few rooms, which have been converted into a museum of antiques. A ticket has to be brought to see the same. Though there is not much to see, the main attraction, is the fabulous view of Leh, on the other side of Indus, which makes a very good click. Leh in the background of clay like mountains, with green patches amidst the entire brown landscape looks great.